Package 'yaImpute'

Title: Nearest Neighbor Observation Imputation and Evaluation Tools
Description: Performs nearest neighbor-based imputation using one or more alternative approaches to processing multivariate data. These include methods based on canonical correlation: analysis, canonical correspondence analysis, and a multivariate adaptation of the random forest classification and regression techniques of Leo Breiman and Adele Cutler. Additional methods are also offered. The package includes functions for comparing the results from running alternative techniques, detecting imputation targets that are notably distant from reference observations, detecting and correcting for bias, bootstrapping and building ensemble imputations, and mapping results.
Authors: Jeffrey S. Evans [aut, cre] , Nicholas L. Crookston [aut], Andrew O. Finley [aut], John Coulston (Sunil Arya and David Mount for ANN) [ctb, com]
Maintainer: Jeffrey S. Evans <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.0-35
Built: 2025-03-08 06:02:11 UTC

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Approximate nearest neighbor search routines


Given a set of reference data points SS, ann constructs a kd-tree or box-decomposition tree (bd-tree) for efficient kk-nearest neighbor searches.


ann(ref, target, k=1, eps=0.0, tree.type="kd",
    search.type="standard", bucket.size=1, split.rule="sl_midpt",
    shrink.rule="simple", verbose=TRUE, ...)



an n×dn \times d matrix containing the reference point set SS. Each row in ref corresponds to a point in dd-dimensional space.


an m×dm \times d matrix containing the points for which kk nearest neighbor reference points are sought.


defines the number of nearest neighbors to find. The default is kk=1.


the ithi^{th} nearest neighbor is at most (1+eps) from true ithi^{th} nearest neighbor, where eps0\ge 0 . Specifically, the true (not squared) difference between the true ithi^{th} and the approximation of the ithi^{th} point is a factor of (1+eps). The default value of eps=0 is an exact search.


the data structures kd-tree or bd-tree as quoted key words kd and bd, respectively. A brute force search can be specified with the quoted key word brute. If brute is specified, then all subsequent arguments are ignored. The default is the kd-tree.


either standard or priority search in the kd-tree or bd-tree, specified by quoted key words standard and priority, respectively. The default is the standard search.


the maximum number of reference points in the leaf nodes. The default is 1.


is the strategy for the recursive splitting of those nodes with more points than the bucket size. The splitting rule applies to both the kd-tree and bd-tree. Splitting rule options are the quoted key words:

  1. standard - standard kd-tree

  2. midpt - midpoint

  3. fair - fair-split

  4. midpt - sliding-midpoint (default)

  5. fair - fair-split rule

See supporting documentation, reference below, for a thorough description and discussion of these splitting rules.


applies only to the bd-tree and is an additional strategy (beyond the splitting rule) for the recursive partitioning of nodes. This argument is ignored if tree.type is specified as kd. Shrinking rule options are quoted key words:

  1. none - equivalent to the kd-tree

  2. simple - simple shrink (default)

  3. centroid - centroid shrink

See supporting documentation, reference below, for a thorough description and discussion of these shrinking rules.


if true, search progress is printed to the screen.


currently no additional arguments.


The ann function calls portions of the Approximate Nearest Neighbor Library, written by David M. Mount. All of the ann function arguments are detailed in the ANN Programming Manual found at


An object of class ann, which is a list with some or all of the following tags:


an m×2km \times 2k matrix. Each row corresponds to a target point in target and columns 1:kk hold the ref matrix row indices of the nearest neighbors, such that column 1 index holds the ref matrix row index for the first nearest neighbor and column kk is the kthk^{th} nearest neighbor index. Columns k+1k+1:2k hold the Euclidean distance from the target to each of the kk nearest neighbors indexed in columns 1:kk.


total search time, not including data structure construction, etc.


as defined in the ann function call.


as defined in the ann function call.


as defined in the ann function call.


as defined in the ann function call.


as defined in the ann function call.


as defined in the ann function call.


as defined in the ann function call.


Andrew O. Finley [email protected]


## Make a couple of bivariate normal classes
rmvn <- function(n, mu=0, V = matrix(1))
  p <- length(mu)
    stop("Dimension problem!")
  D <- chol(V)
  matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p) %*% D + rep(mu,rep(n,p))

m <- 10000

## Class 1.
mu.1 <- c(20, 40)
V.1 <- matrix(c(-5,1,0,5),2,2); V.1 <- V.1%*%t(V.1)
c.1 <- cbind(rmvn(m, mu.1, V.1), rep(1, m))

## Class 2.
mu.2 <- c(30, 60)
V.2 <- matrix(c(4,2,0,2),2,2); V.2 <- V.2%*%t(V.2)
c.2 <- cbind(rmvn(m, mu.2, V.2), rep(2, m))

## Class 3.
mu.3 <- c(15, 60)
V.3 <- matrix(c(5,5,0,5),2,2); V.3 <- V.3%*%t(V.3)
c.3 <- cbind(rmvn(m, mu.3, V.3), rep(3, m))

c.all <- rbind(c.1, c.2, c.3)
max.x <- max(c.all[,1]); min.x <- min(c.all[,1])
max.y <- max(c.all[,2]); min.y <- min(c.all[,2])

## Check them out.
plot(c.1[,1], c.1[,2], xlim=c(min.x, max.x), ylim=c(min.y, max.y),
     pch=19, cex=0.5,
     col="blue", xlab="Variable 1", ylab="Variable 2")
points(c.2[,1], c.2[,2], pch=19, cex=0.5, col="green")
points(c.3[,1], c.3[,2], pch=19, cex=0.5, col="red")

## Take a reference sample.
n <- 2000
ref <- c.all[sample(1:nrow(c.all), n),]

## Compare search times
k <- 10
## Do a simple brute force search.
brute <- ann(ref=ref[,1:2], target=c.all[,1:2],
             tree.type="brute", k=k, verbose=FALSE)

## Do an exact kd-tree search.
kd.exact <- ann(ref=ref[,1:2], target=c.all[,1:2],
                tree.type="kd", k=k, verbose=FALSE)

## Do an approximate kd-tree search.
kd.approx <- ann(ref=ref[,1:2], target=c.all[,1:2],
                 tree.type="kd", k=k, eps=100, verbose=FALSE)

## Takes too long to calculate for this many targets.
## Compare overall accuracy of the exact vs. approximate search
##knn.mode <- function(knn.indx, ref){
##  x <- ref[knn.indx,]
##  as.numeric(names(sort(as.matrix(table(x))[,1],
##                        decreasing=TRUE))[1])

Removes neighbors that share (or not) group membership with targets.


Some of the nearest neighbors found using yai or newtargets are removed using this function. This is possible when there are several reference observations for each target as is the case with k>1. The function removes neighbor reference observations for a given target if the reference and target are in (a) the same group or (b) from different groups, depending on the method used. Group membership is identified for reference and target observations using two vectors, refGroups for references and trgGroups for targets. If the group membership code is the same for a refernece and a target, then they are in the same group while different codes mean a lack of common group membership.


applyMask(object,refGroups=NULL, trgGroups=NULL, method="removeWhenCommon", k=1)



an object of class yai.


a vector, with length equal to the number of reference observations, of codes that indicate group membership.


a vector, with length equal to the number of target observations, of codes that indicate group membership. The data type and coding scheme of refGroups and trgGroups must be the same.


is the strategy used for removing neighbors from the object, as follows:

  1. removeWhenCommon - remove neighbors where the group membership of a target is the same as the group membership of the near neighbor reference (that is, keep near neighbors if they are not in the same group).

  2. keepWhenCommon - keep near neighbors only when the reference is in the same group as the target (that is, remove near neighbors if they are not in the same group).


the number of nearest neighbors to keep.


An object of class yai, that is a copy of the first argument with the following elements replaced:


the call.


a matrix of distances between a target (identified by its row name) and the k references. There are k columns.


a matrix of reference identifications that correspond to neiDstTrgs.


set NULL as if noRefs=TRUE in the original call to yai.


set NULL as if noRefs=TRUE in the original call to yai.


set TRUE regardless of original value.


the value of k.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Acknowledgment: This function was inspired by correspondence with Clara Anton Fernandez.

See Also

yai newtargets


require (yaImpute)


# build a base case, there are no targets, 
#    turn off getting references neighbors.
mal <- yai(x=iris[,-5],method="mahalanobis", noRefs = TRUE)

# create a new data, just a copy of the old with new row names.
iris2 <- iris
rownames(iris2) <- paste0("new.",rownames(iris))

# do an imputation with k=55
m55 <- newtargets(mal,newdata=iris2,k=55)

# get the 2 closest where the species codes don't match by
#  removing neighbors when the ref group membership is 
#  in common with the target group membership (same species),
#  thereby forcing neighbors to be from different species. 

#  in this case, the groups are species codes. 


# get the 2 closest where the species codes do match by
#  removing neighbors when the ref group membership is 
#  different than the target group membership (different species),
#  thereby forcing neighbors to be from the same species (this
#  is generally true anyway using the iris data). 


Imputes/Predicts data for Ascii Grid maps


AsciiGridImpute finds nearest neighbor reference observations for each point in the input grid maps and outputs maps of selected Y-variables in a corresponding set of output grid maps.

AsciiGridPredict applies a predict function to each point in the input grid maps and outputs maps of the prediction(s) in corresponding output grid maps (see Details).

One row of each grid map is read and processed at a time thereby avoiding the need to build huge objects in R that would be necessary if all the rows of all the maps were processed together.






An object of class yai, any object for which a predict function is defined, or an object that is passed to a predict function you define using argument myPredFunc. See Details.


A list of input file names where there is one grid file for each X-variable. List elements must be given the same names as the X-variables they correspond with and there must be one file for each X-variable used when object was built.


One of these two forms:

  1. A file name that is understood to correspond to the single prediction returned by the generic predict function related to object or returned by myPredFunc. This form only applies to AsciiGridPredict, when the object is not class yai.

  2. A list of output file names where there is one grid file for each desired output variable. While there may be many variables predicted for object, only those for which an output grid is desire need to be specified. Note that some predict functions return data frames, some return a single vector, and often what is returned depends on the value of arguments passed to predict. In addition to names of the predicted variables, the following two special names can be coded when the object class is yai: For distance=“filename” a map of the distances is output and if useid=“filename” a map of integer indices to row numbers of the reference observations is output. When the predict function returns a vector, an additional special name of predict=“filename” can be used.


A list of data type names that corresponds exactly to data type of the maps listed in xfiles. Each value can be one of: "logical", "integer", "numeric", "character". If NULL, or if a type is missing for a member of xfiles, type "numeric" is used. See Details if you used factors as predictors.


A data frame of Y-variables that may not have been used in the original call to yai. There must be one row for each reference observation, no missing data, and row names must match those used in the original reference observations.


if NULL, the value is taken from object. When TRUE, ann is used to find neighbors, and when FALSE a slow exact search is used (ignored for when method randomForest is used when the original yai object was created).


if NULL, the value of cols is used. Otherwise, a 2-element vector given the range of longitudes (horizontal distance) desired for the output.


if NULL, the value of rows is used. Otherwise, a 2-element vector given the range of latitudes (vertical distance) desired for the output.


if NULL, all rows from the input grids are used. Otherwise, rows is a 2-element vector given the rows desired for the output. If the second element is greater than the number of rows, the header value YLLCORNER in the output is adjusted accordingly. Ignored if lon is specified.


if NULL, all columns from the input grids are used. Otherwise, cols is a 2-element vector given the columns desired for the output. If the first element is greater than one, the header value XLLCORNER in the output is adjusted accordingly. Ignored if lat is specified.


the NODATA_VALUE for the output. If NULL, the value is taken from the input grids.


called by AsciiGridPredict to predict output using the object and newdata from the xfiles. Two arguments are passed by AsciiGridPredict to this function, the first is the value of object and the second is a data frame of the new predictor variables created for each row of data from your input maps. If NULL, the generic predict function is called for object.


passed to myPredFunc, predict, or impute.


The input maps are assumed to be Asciigrid maps with 6-line headers containing the following tags: NCOLS, NROWS, XLLCORNER, YLLCORNER, CELLSIZE and NODATA_VALUE (case insensitive). The headers should be identical for all input maps, a warning is issued if they are not. It is critical that NODATA_VALUE is the same on all input maps.

The function builds data frames from the input maps one row at a time and builds predictions using those data frames as newdata. Each row of the input maps is processed in sequence so that the entire maps are not stored in memory. The function works by opening all the input and reads one line (row) at a time from each. The output file(s) are created one line at time as the input maps are processed.

Use AsciiGridImpute for objects builds with yai, otherwise use AsciiGridPredict. When AsciiGridPredict is used, the following rules apply. First, when myPredFunc is not null it is called with the arguments object, newdata, ... where the new data is the data frame built from the input maps, otherwise the generic predict function is called with these same arguments. When object and myPredFunc are both NULL a copy newdata used as the prediction. This is useful when lat, lon, rows, or cols are used in to subset the maps.

The NODATA_VALUE is output for every NODATA_VALUE found on any grid cell on any one of the input maps (the predict function is not called for these grid cells). NODATA_VALUE is also output for any grid cell where the predict function returns an NA.

If factors are used as X-variables in object, the levels found the map data are checked against those used in building the object. If new levels are found, the corresponding output map grid point is set to NODATA_VALUE; the predict function is not called for these cells as most predict functions will fail in these circumstances. Checking on factors depends on object containing a meaningful member named xlevels, as done for objects produced by lm.

Asciigrid maps do not contain character data, only numbers. The numbers in the maps are matched the xlevels by subscript (the first entry in a level corresponds to the numeric value 1 in the Asciigrid maps, the second to the number 2 and so on). Care must be taken by the user to insure that the coding scheme used in building the maps is identical to that used in building the object. See Value for information on how you can check the matching of these codes.


An invisible list containing the following named elements:


A data frame listing the map row numbers and the number of NA values generated by the predict function for each row. If none are generated for a row the row is not reported, if none are generated for any rows, the data frame is NULL.


A data frame listing levels found in the maps that were not found in the xlevels for the object. The row names are the illegal levels, the column names are the variable names, and the values are the number of grid cells where the illegal levels were found.


A data frame showing the relationship between levels in the output maps and those found in object. The row names are level index values, the column names are variable names, and the values are the levels. NULL if no factors are output.


A data frame showing the relationship between levels found in the input maps and those found in object. The row names are level index values (this function assumes they correspond to numeric values on the maps), the column names are variable names, and the values are the levels. NULL if no factors are input. This information is consistent with that in xlevels.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

yai, impute, and newtargets


## These commands write new files to your working directory

# Use the iris data

# Section 1: Imagine that the iris are planted in a planting bed.
# The following set of commands create Asciigrid map
# files for four attributes to illustrate the planting layout.

# Change species from a character factor to numeric (the sp classes
# can not handle character data).

sLen <- matrix(iris[,1],10,15)
sWid <- matrix(iris[,2],10,15)
pLen <- matrix(iris[,3],10,15)
pWid <- matrix(iris[,4],10,15)
spcd <- matrix(as.numeric(iris[,5]),10,15)

# Create and change to a temp directory. You can delete these steps
# if you wish to keep the files in your working directory.
curdir <- getwd()
cat ("Using working dir",getwd(),"\n")

# Make maps of each variable.
header = c("NCOLS 15","NROWS 10","XLLCORNER 1","YLLCORNER 1",
           "CELLSIZE 1","NODATA_VALUE -9999")


# Section 2: Create functions to predict species

# set the random number seed so that example results are consistant
# normally, leave out this command

# sample the data
refs <- sample(rownames(iris),50)
y <- data.frame(Species=iris[refs,5],row.names=rownames(iris[refs,]))

# build a yai imputation for the reference data.
rfNN <- yai(x=iris[refs,1:4],y=y,method="randomForest")

# make lists of input and output map files.

xfiles <- list(Sepal.Length="slen.txt",Sepal.Width="swid.txt",
outfiles1 <- list(distance="dist.txt",Species="spOutrfNN.txt",

# map the imputation-based predictions for the input maps
# read the asciigrids and get them ready to plot
spOrig <- t(as.matrix(read.table("spcd.txt",skip=6)))
sprfNN <- t(as.matrix(read.table("spOutrfNN.txt",skip=6)))
dist <- t(as.matrix(read.table("dist.txt",skip=6)))

# demonstrate the use of useid:
spViaUse <- read.table("useindx.txt",skip=6)
for (col in colnames(spViaUse)) spViaUse[,col]=as.character(y$Species[spViaUse[,col]])

# demonstrate how to use factors:
spViaLevels  <- read.table("spOutrfNN.txt",skip=6)
for (col in colnames(spViaLevels)) spViaLevels[,col]=levels(y$Species)[spViaLevels[,col]]


if (require(randomForest))
  # build a randomForest predictor
  rf <- randomForest(x=iris[refs,1:4],y=iris[refs,5])
  sprf <- t(as.matrix(read.table("spOutrf.txt",skip=6)))
} else sprf <- NULL

# reset the directory to that where the example was started.

image(sprfNN,main="Using Impute",col=c("red","green","blue"),
if (!is.null(sprf))
  image(sprf,main="Using Predict",col=c("red","green","blue"),
image(dist,main="Neighbor Distances",col=terrain.colors(15),

Computes the number of best X-variables


The number of best variables is estimated by finding an apparent inflection point in the relationship between the generalized root mean square distance (see grmsd and the number of X-variables.





an object create by varSelection


number of variables designated as the best; if null the number is estimated


An character vector of variable names in decreasing order of importance.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also





x <- iris[,1:2]  # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width 
y <- iris[,3:4]  # Petal.Length Petal.Width 

vsel <- varSelection(x=x,y=y,nboot=5,useParallel=FALSE)


Finds the consensus imputations among a list of yai objects


Several objects of class yai are combined into a new object forming a consensus among the many. The intention is that the many would be formed by running yai several times with bootstrap=TRUE or by varying other options.


buildConsensus(reps, noTrgs=FALSE, noRefs=FALSE, k=NULL)



a list of objects class yai.


If TRUE neighbor relationships for target observations are not merged.


If TRUE neighbor relationships for reference observations are not merged.


If not specified, the minimum value of k among the objects is used.


An object of class yai


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
John Coulston [email protected]

See Also



require (yaImpute)


# form some test data, y's are defined only for reference
# observations.
x <- iris[,1:2]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
y <- iris[refs,3:4]  # Petal.Length Petal.Width

reps <- replicate(20, yai(x=x,y=y,method="msn",bootstrap=TRUE,k=2),


Compares different k-NN solutions


Provides a convenient display of the root mean square differences (see rmsd.yai) or correlations (see cor.yai) between observed and imputed values for each of several imputations. Each column of the returned data frame corresponds to an imputation result and each row corresponds to a variable.





a list of objects created by yai or impute.yai that you wish to compare.


a data frame that defines new variables, passed to impute.yai.


a list of variable names you want to include; if NULL all available variables are included.


when rmsd is specified, the comparison is based on root mean square differences between observed an imputed, and
when cor is specified, the comparison is based on correlations between observed and imputed.


passed to rmsd.yai


A data.frame of class c("compare.yai","data.frame"), where the columns are the names of the ...-arguments and the rows are a union of variable names. NA's are returned when the variables are factors. The scale values (if used) are returned as an attribute (all if some are different than others, a warning is issued).


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

See Also

yai,, impute.yai, rmsd.yai




# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:2]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
y <- iris[refs,3:4]  # Petal.Length Petal.Width

# build yai objects using 2 methods
msn <- yai(x=x,y=y)
mal <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis")

# compare the y variables

# compare the all variables in iris
compare.yai(msn,mal,ancillaryData=iris)  # Species is a factor, no comparison is made

Correlation between observed and imputed


Computes the correlation between observed and imputed values for each observation that has both.


cor.yai (object,vars=NULL,...)



an object created by yai or impute.yai.


a list of variables names you want to include, if NULL all available variables are included.


passed to called methods (not currently used)


The correlations are computed using cor.yai. For data imputation, such correlations are likely not appropriate (Stage and Crookston 2007).


A data frame with the row names as vars and the column as cor.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]


Stage, A.R.; Crookston, N.L. (2007). Partitioning error components for accuracy-assessment of near neighbor methods of imputation. For. Sci. 53(1):62-72.

See Also

yai, impute.yai, rmsd.yai

Correct bias by selecting different near neighbors


Change the neighbor selections in a yai object such that bias (if any) in the average value of an expression of one or more variables is reduced to be within a defined confidence interval.





an object of class yai with k > 1.


an expression defining a variable or combination of variables that is applied to each member of the population (see details). If passed as a character string it is coerced into an expression. The expression can refer to one or more X- and Y-variables defined for the reference observations.


The confidence interval that should contain the mean(trgVal). If the mean falls within this interval, the problem is solved. If NULL, the interval is based on nStdev.


the number of standard deviations in the vector of values used to compute the confidence interval when one is computed, ignored if trgValCI is not NULL.


identities of reference observations to exclude from the population, if coded as "all" then all references are excluded (see details).


if TRUE, detailed output is produced.


Imputation as it is defined in yaImpute can yield biased results. Lets say that you have a collection of reference observations that happen to be selected in a non-biased way among a population. In this discussion, population is a finite set of all individual sample units of interest; the reference plus target observations often represent this population (but this need not be true, see below). If the average of a measured attribute is computed from this random sample, it is an unbiased estimate of the true mean.

Using yai, while setting k=1, values for each of several attributes are imputed from a single reference observation to a target observation. Once the imputation is done over all the target observations, an average of any one measured attribute can be computed over all the observations in the population. There is no guarantee that this average will be within a pre-specified confidence interval.

Experience shows that despite any lack of guarantee, the results are accurate (not biased). This tends to hold true when the reference data contains samples that cover the variation of the targets, even when they are not a random sample, and even if some of the reference observations are from sample units that are outside the target population.

Because there is no guarantee, and because the reference observations might profitably come from sample units beyond those in the population (so as to insure all kinds of targets have a matching reference), it is necessary to test the imputation results for bias. If bias is found, it would be helpful to do something to correct it.

The correctBias() function is designed to check for, and correct discovered bias by selecting alternative nearby reference observations to be imputed to targets that contribute to the bias. The idea is that even if one reference is closest to a target, its attribute(s) of interest might be greater (or less) than the mean. An alternative neighbor, one that may be almost as close, might reduce the overall bias if it were used instead. If this is the case, correctBias() switches the neighbor selections. It makes as many switches as it can until the mean among the population targets falls within the specified confidence interval. There is no guarantee that the goal will be met.

The details of the method are:

1. An attribute of interest is established by naming one in the call with argument tarVal. Note that this can be a simple variable name enclosed in quotations marks or it can be an expression of one or more variables. If the former, it is converted into an expression that is executed in the environment of the reference observations (both the X- and Y-variables). A confidence interval is computed for this value under the assumption that the reference observations are an unbiased sample of the target population. This may not be the case. Regardless, a confidence interval is necessary and it can alternatively be supplied using trgValCI.

2. One of several possible passes through the data are taken to find neighbor switches that will result in the bias being corrected. A pass includes computing the attribute of interest by applying the expression to values imputed to all the targets, under the assumption that the next neighbor is used in place of the currently used neighbor. This computation results in a vector with one element for each target observation that measures the contribution toward reducing the bias that would be made if a switch were made. The target observations are then ordered into increasing order of how much the distance from the currently selected reference would increase if the switch were to take place. Enough switches are made in this order to correct the bias. If the bias is not corrected by the first pass, another pass is done using the next neighbor(s). The number of possible passes is equal to k-1 where k is set in the original call to yai. Note that switches are made among targets only, and never among reference observations that may make up the population. That is, reference observations are always left to represent themselves with k=1.

3. Here are details of the argument excludeRefIds. When computing the mean of the attribute of interest (using the expression), correctBias() must know which observations represent the population. Normally, all the target observations would be in this set, but perhaps not all of the reference observations. When excludeRefIds is left NULL, the population is made of all reference and all target observations. Reference observations that should be left out of the calculations because they are not part of the population can be specified using the excludeRefIds argument as a vector of character strings identifing the rownames to leave out, or a vector of row numbers that identify the row numbers to leave out. If excludeRefIds="all", all reference observations are excluded.


An object of class yai where k = 1 and the neighbor selections have been changed as described above. In addition, the call element is changed to show both the original call to yai and the call to this function. A new list called biasParameters is added to the yai object with these tags:


the target CI.


the value of the bias that was achieved.


the number of passes through the data taken to achieve the result.


the old value of k.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also





# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:3]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

# build an msn run, first build dummy variables for species.

sp1 <- as.integer(iris$Species=="setosa")
sp2 <- as.integer(iris$Species=="versicolor")
y2 <- data.frame(cbind(iris[,4],sp1,sp2),row.names=rownames(iris))
y2 <- y2[refs,]

names(y2) <- c("Petal.Width","Sp1","Sp2")

# find 5 refernece neighbors for each target
msn <- yai(x=x,y=y2,method="msn",k=5)

# check for and correct for bias in mean "Petal.Width". Neighbor  
# selections will be changed as needed to bring the imputed values 
# into line with the CI. In this case, no changes are made (npasses 
# returns as zero).

msnCorr = correctBias(msn,trgVal="Petal.Width")

Computes the mean, median, or mode among a list of impute.yai objects


Several objects of class impute.yai or yai are combined by computing the mean, median, or mode of separate, individual imputations. The intention is that the members of the first argument would be formed by running yai several times with bootstrap=TRUE or by varying other options.


ensembleImpute(imputes, method="mean",...)



a list of objects class impute.yai or yai. Function impute.yai is called for list members where the class is yai.


when "mean", the continuous variables are averaged using mean, otherwise the median is used. Mode is always used for character data (generally the case for factors).


passed to impute.yai.


An object of class c("impute.yai","data.frame"), see impute.yai. The attributes of the data.frame include the following:

  1. sd - A data.frame of standard deviations for continuous variables if there are any. The columns are not reported if the standard deviation is zero for all observations which is typically true of "observed" values.

  2. N - the number of replications used to compute the corresponding data; reported only if the number differs from the total number of replications. This will be the case when bootstrap, sampleVar, or both are used in yai.

  3. methods - the method used for each variable.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
John Coulston [email protected]

See Also

yai buildConsensus impute.yai


require (yaImpute)


# form some test data, y's are defined only for reference
# observations.
x <- iris[,1:2]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
y <- iris[refs,3:4]  # Petal.Length Petal.Width

reps <- replicate(10, yai(x=x,y=y,method="msn",bootstrap=TRUE,k=2),


Compute error components of k-NN imputations


Error properties of estimates derived from imputation differ from those of regression-based estimates because the two methods include a different mix of error components. This function computes a partitioning of error statistics as proposed by Stage and Crookston (2007).





An object of class yai computed with method="mahalanobis".


Other objects of class yai for which statistics are desired. All objects should be for the same data and variables used for the first argument.


When TRUE, the errors are scaled by their respective standard deviations.


The lower tail p-value used to pick reference observations that are zero distance from each other (used to compute rmmsd0).


The upper tail p-value used to pick reference observations that are substantially distant from each other (used to compute rmsdlg).


Method used to compute SEE: seeMethod="lm" uses lm and seeMethod="gam" uses gam. In both cases, the model formula is a simple linear combination of the X-variables.




A list that contains several data frames. The column names of each are a combination of the name of the object used to compute the statistics and the name of the statistic. The rownames correspond the the Y-variables from the first argument. The data frame names are as follows:


statistics used to compute other statistics.

name of first argument

error statistics for the first yai object.

names of ... arguments

error statistics for each of the remaining yai objects, if any.


standard error of estimate for individual regressions fit for corresponding Y-variables.


root mean square difference for imputations based on method="mahalanobis" (always based on the first argument to the function).


square root of the model lack of fit: sqrt(see2(rmmsd02/2))sqrt(see^2 - (rmmsd0^2/2)).


root mean square error.


root mean square error of the observations with larger distances.


standard error of imputation sqrt(rmsd2(rmmsd02/2))sqrt(rmsd^2 - (rmmsd0^2/2)).


distance component: sqrt(rmsd2rmmsd02)sqrt(rmsd^2 - rmmsd0^2).

Note that unlike Stage and Crookston (2007), all statistics reported here are in the natural units, not squared units.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Albert R. Stage


Stage, A.R.; Crookston, N.L. (2007). Partitioning error components for accuracy-assessment of near neighbor methods of imputation. For. Sci. 53(1):62-72.

See Also

yai, TallyLake


require (yaImpute)


diag(cov(TallyLake[,1:8])) # see col A in Table 3 in Stage and Crookston



# variable "see" for "mal" matches col B (when squared and scaled)
# other columns don't match exactly as Stage and Crookston used different
# software to compute values


Report a complete imputation


Provides a matrix of all observations with the reference observation identification best used to represent it, followed by the distance.





an object created by yai


when NULL (and method="kth"), the best pick is reported (a reference observation represents itself), otherwise the kth neighbor is picked.


the method used to select references to represent observations, as follows:
kth: the kth nearest neighbor is picked;
random: for each observation, the value of kth is selected at random from the 1 to k neighbors (1 to kth if is kth specified);
randomWeighted: 1/(1+d) is used as a probability weight factor in selecting the value of kth, where d is the distance..


when is TRUE, reporting of references is not done.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]




# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:3]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

# build a yai object using mahalanobis
mal <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis",k=3)

foruse(mal)  # for references, use is equal to the rowname
foruse(mal,kth=1) # for references, use is an row to the kth reference.

# get all the choices:

Generalized Root Mean Square Distance Between Observed and Imputed Values


Computes the root mean square distance between predicted and corresponding observed values in an orthogonal multivariate space. This value is the mean Mahalanobis distance between observed and imputed values in a space defined by observations and variables were observed and predicted values are defined. The statistic provides a way to compare imputation (or prediction) results. While it is designed to work with imputation, the function can be used with objects that inherit from lm or with matrices and data frames that follow the column naming convention described in the details.





objects created by any combination of yai, impute.yai, ensembleImpute, buildConsensus, lm and data frames or matrices that follow the column naming convention described in the details below. If an object is of class yai, a call to impute.yai is generated internally.


a data frame that defines variables, passed to impute.yai.


a list of variable names you want to include; if NULL all available variables are included (note that if impute.yai the Y-variables are returned when vars=NULL).


A vector of weights used to compute the mean distances, see details below.


The vectors of individual distances are returned (see Value) rather than the mean Mahalanobis distance.


passed as method to impute.yai.


This function is designed to compute the root mean square distance between observed and predicted observations over several variables at once. It is the Mahalanobis distance between observed and predicted but the name emphasizes the similarities to root mean square difference (or error, see rmsd). Here are some notable characteristics.

  1. In the univariate case this function returns the same value as rmsd with scale=TRUE. In that case the root mean square difference is computed after scale has been called on the variable.

  2. Like rmsd, grmsd is zero if the imputed values are exactly the same as the observed values over all variables.

  3. Like rmsd, grmsd is ~1.0 when the mean of each variable is imputed in place of a near neighbor (it would be exactly 1.0 if the maximum likelihood estimate of the covariance were used rather than the unbiased estimate – it approaches 1 as n gets large.) This situation corresponds to regression where the slope is zero. It indicates that the imputation error is, over all, the same as it would be if the means of the variables were imputed rather than near neighbors (it does not signal that the means were imputed).

  4. Like rmsd, values of grmsd > 1.0 indicate that, on average, the errors in the imputation are greater than they would be if the mean of the corresponding variables were imputed for each observation.

  5. Note that individual rmsd values can be computed even when the variance of the variable is zero. In contrast, grmsd can only be computed in the situation where the observed data matrix is full rank. Rank is determined using qr and columns are removed from the analysis to create this condition if necessary (with a warning).

Observed and predicted are matched using the column names. Column names that have ".o" are matched to those that do not. Columns that do not have matching observed and imputed (predicted) values are ignored.

Several objects may be passed as "...". Function impute.yai is called for any objects that were created by yai; ancillaryData and vars are passed to impute.yai when it is used.

When objects inherit from lm, a suitable matrix is formed using by calling the predict and resid functions.

Factors, if found, are removed (with a warning).

When argument wts is defined there must be one value for each pair of observed and predicted variables. If the values are named (preferred), then the names are matched to the names of predicted variables (no .o suffix). The matched values effectively scale the axes in which distances are computed. When this is done, the resulting distances are not Mahalanobis distances.


When rtnVectors=FALSE, a sorted named vector of mean distances is returned; the names are taken from the arguments.

When rtnVectors=TRUE the function returns vectors of distances, sorted and named as done wnen this argument is FALSE.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

yai, impute.yai, rmsd.yai, notablyDifferent




# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:2]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
y <- iris[refs,3:4]  # Petal.Length Petal.Width

# build yai objects using 2 methods
msn <- yai(x=x,y=y)
mal <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis")

# compute the average distances between observed and imputed (predicted)
grmsd(msn,mal,lmFit=lm(as.matrix(y) ~ ., data=x[refs,]))

# use the all variables and observations in iris
# Species is a factor and is automatically deleted with a warning

# here is an example using lm, and another using column
# means as predictions.

impMean <- y 
colnames(impMean) <- paste0(colnames(impMean),".o")
impMean <- cbind(impMean,y)
# set the predictions to the mean's of the variables
impMean[,"Petal.Length"] <- mean(impMean[,"Petal.Length"])
impMean[,"Petal.Width"]  <- mean(impMean[,"Petal.Width"])

grmsd(msn, mal, lmFit=lm(as.matrix(y) ~ ., data=x[refs,]), impMean )

# compare to using function rmsd (values match):
msnimp <- na.omit(impute(msn))

# these are multivariate cases and they don't match
# because the covariance of the two variables is > 0.

# get the vectors and make a boxplot, identify outliers
stats <- boxplot(grmsd(msn,mal,ancillaryData=iris[,-5],rtnVectors=TRUE),
                 ylab="Mahalanobis distance")
#     118      132 
#2.231373 1.990961

Impute variables from references to targets


Imputes the observation for variables from a reference observation to a target observation. Also, imputes a value for a reference from other references. This practice is useful for validation (see yai). Variables not available in the original data may be imputed using argument ancillaryData.


## S3 method for class 'yai'



an object of class yai.


a data frame of variables that may not have been used in the original call to yai. There must be one row for each reference observation, no missing data, and row names must match those used in the reference observations.


the method used to compute the imputed values for continuous variables, as follows:
closest: use the single neighbor that is closest (this is the default and is always used when k=1);
mean: the mean of the k neighbors is taken;
median: the median of the k neighbors is taken;
dstWeighted: a weighted mean is taken over the k neighbors where the weights are 1/(1+d).


the method used to compute the imputed values for factors, as follows:
closest: use the single neighbor that is closest (this is the default and is always used when k=1);
mean or median: actually is the mode\-\-it is the factor level that occurs the most often among the k neighbors;
dstWeighted: a mode where the count is the sum of the weights (1/(1+d)) rather than each having a weight of 1.


the number neighbors to use in averages, when NULL all present are used.


a character vector of variables to impute, when NULL, the behaviour depends on the value of ancillaryData: when it is NULL, the Y-variables are imputed and otherwise all present in ancillaryData are imputed.


when TRUE, columns are created for observed values (those from the target observations) as well as imputed values (those from the reference observations.


passed to other methods, currently not used.


An object of class c("impute.yai","data.frame"), with rownames identifying observations and column names identifying variables. When observed=TRUE additional columns are created with a suffix of .o.

NA's fill columns of observed values when no corresponding value is known, as in the case for Y-variables from target observations.

Scale factors for each variable are returned as an attribute (see attributes).


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]
Emilie Henderson [email protected]

See Also





# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:3]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

# build a yai object using mahalanobis
mal <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis")

# output a data frame of observed and imputed values
# of all variables and observations.


Moscow Mountain and St. Joe Woodlands (Idaho, USA) Tree and LiDAR Data


Data used to compare the utility of discrete-return light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data and multispectral satellite imagery, and their integration, for modeling and mapping basal area and tree density across two diverse coniferous forest landscapes in north-central Idaho, USA.




A data frame with 165 rows and 64 columns:

Ground based measurements of trees:

  • ABGR_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of ABGR

  • ABLA_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of ABLA

  • ACGL_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of ACGL

  • BEOC_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of BEOC

  • LAOC_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of LAOC

  • PICO_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of PICO

  • PIEN_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of PIEN

  • PIMO_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of PIMO

  • PIPO_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of PIPO

  • POBA_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of POBA

  • POTR_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of POTR

  • PSME_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of PSME

  • SAEX_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of SAEX

  • THPL_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of THPL

  • TSHE_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of TSHE

  • TSME_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of TSME

  • UNKN_BA - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) of unknown species

  • Total_B - Basal area (m2/ha)(m^2/ha) total over all species

  • ABGR_TD - Trees per ha of ABGR

  • ABLA_TD - Trees per ha of ABLA

  • ACGL_TD - Trees per ha of ACGL

  • BEOC_TD - Trees per ha of BEOC

  • LAOC_TD - Trees per ha of LAOC

  • PICO_TD - Trees per ha of PICO

  • PIEN_TD - Trees per ha of PIEN

  • PIMO_TD - Trees per ha of PIMO

  • PIPO_TD - Trees per ha of PIPO

  • POBA_TD - Trees per ha of POBA

  • POTR_TD - Trees per ha of POTR

  • PSME_TD - Trees per ha of PSME

  • SAEX_TD - Trees per ha of SAEX

  • THPL_TD - Trees per ha of THPL

  • TSHE_TD - Trees per ha of TSHE

  • TSME_TD - Trees per ha of TSME

  • UNKN_TD - Trees per ha of unknown species

  • Total_T - Trees per ha total over all species

Geographic Location, Slope and Aspect:

  1. EASTING - UTM (Zone 11) easting at plot center

  2. NORTHING - UTM (Zone 11) northing at plot center

  3. ELEVATION - Mean elevation (m) above sea level over plot

  4. SLPMEAN - Mean slope (percent) over plot

  5. ASPMEAN - Mean aspect (degrees) over plot

Advanced Land Imager (ALI):

  1. B1MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 1 pixels intersecting plot

  2. B2MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 2 pixels intersecting plot

  3. B3MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 3 pixels intersecting plot

  4. B4MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 4 pixels intersecting plot

  5. B5MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 5 pixels intersecting plot

  6. B6MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 6 pixels intersecting plot

  7. B7MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 7 pixels intersecting plot

  8. B8MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 8 pixels intersecting plot

  9. B9MEAN - Mean of 30 m ALI band 9 pixels intersecting plot

  10. PANMEA - Mean of 10 m PAN band pixels intersecting plot

  11. PANSTD - Standard deviation of 10 m PAN band pixels intersecting plot

LiDAR Intensity:

  1. INTMEAN - Mean of 2 m intensity pixels intersecting plot

  2. INTSTD - Standard deviation of 2 m intensity pixels intersecting plot

  3. INTMIN - Minimum of 2 m intensity pixels intersecting plot

  4. INTMAX - Maximum of 2 m intensity pixels intersecting plot

LiDAR Height:

  1. HTMEAN - Mean of 6 m height pixels intersecting plot

  2. HTSTD - Standard deviation of 6 m height pixels intersecting plot

  3. HTMIN - Minimum of 6 m height pixels intersecting plot

  4. HTMAX - Maximum of 6 m height pixels intersecting plot

LiDAR Canopy Cover:

  1. CCMEAN - Mean of 6 m canopy cover pixels intersecting plot

  2. CCSTD - Standard deviation of 6 m canopy cover pixels intersecting plot

  3. CCMIN - Minimum of 6 m canopy cover pixels intersecting plot

  4. CCMAX - Maximum of 6 m canopy cover pixels intersecting plot


Dr. Andrew T. Hudak
USDA Forest Service
Rocky Mountain Research Station
1221 South Main
Moscow, Idaho, USA 83843


Hudak, A.T.; Crookston, N.L.; Evans, J.S.; Falkowski, M.J.; Smith, A.M.S.; Gessler, P.E.; Morgan, P. (2006). Regression modeling and mapping of coniferous forest basal area and tree density from discrete-return lidar and multispectral satellite data. Can. J. Remote Sensing. 32(2):126-138.

Tabulate references most often used in imputation


Provides a matrix of reference observations that are used most often as sources of imputation and a column of the counts. The observations are listed in sorted order, most often used first.





(1) a data frame created by foruse, or (2) an object created by yai in which case foruse is called automatically.


the number of mostused in sorted order.


passed to foruse, if called.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

See Also





# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:3]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

# build a yai object using mahalanobis
mal <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis")


Finds K nearest neighbors for new target observations


Finds nearest neighbor reference observations for a given set of target observations using an established (see yai) object. Intended use is to facilitate breaking up large imputation problems (see AsciiGridImpute).





an object of class yai.


a data frame or matrix of new targets for which neighbors are are found. Must include at least the X-variables used in the original call to yai.


if NULL, the value is taken from object, otherwise the number of nearest neighbors to find.


if NULL, the value is taken from object. When TRUE ann is used to find neighbors, and when FALSE a slow exact search is used.


If defined, specify the number of axes in the CCA


An object of class yai, that is a copy of the first argument with the following elements replaced:


the call.


a list of the row names for observations dropped for various reasons (missing data).


a list of the row names for target observations as a subset of all observations.


the X-variables for all observations.


a matrix of distances between a target (identified by its row name) and the k references. There are k columns.


a matrix of reference identifications that correspond to neiDstTrgs.


set NULL as if noRefs=TRUE in the original call to yai.


set NULL as if noRefs=TRUE in the original call to yai.


the value of k, replaced if changed.


the value of the ann argument.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

See Also



require (yaImpute)


# set the random number seed so that example results are consistant
# normally, leave out this command

# form some test data
refs=sample(rownames(iris),50) # just the reference observations
x <- iris[refs,1:3]  # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

# build a yai object using mahalanobis
mal <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis")

# get imputations for the target observations (not references)
malNew <- newtargets(mal,iris[!(rownames(iris) %in% rownames(x)),])

# output a data frame of observed and imputed values for
# the observations that are not in the original yai object


# in this example, Y is not specified (not required for mahalanobis).
mal2 <- yai(x=x,method="mahalanobis")

if (require(randomForest))
  # here, method randomForest's unsupervised classification is used (no Y).
  rf <- yai(x=x,method="randomForest")
  # now get imputations for the targets in the iris data (those that are
  # not references).
  rfNew <- newtargets(rf,iris[!(rownames(iris) %in% rownames(x)),])

Finds obervations with large differences between observed and imputed values


This routine identifies observations with large errors as measured by scaled root mean square error (see rmsd.yai). A threshold is used to detect observations with large differences.





an object of class yai.


a vector of character strings naming the variables to use, if null the X-variables form object are used.


a threshold that if exceeded the observations are listed as notably different.


(1-p)*100 is the percentile point in the distribution of differences used to compute the threshold (used when threshold is NULL).


additional arguments passed to impute.yai.


The scaled differences are computed a follows:

  1. A matrix of differences between observed and imputed values is computed for each observation (rows) and each variable (columns).

  2. These differences are scaled by dividing by the standard deviation of the observed values among the reference observations.

  3. The scaled differences are squared.

  4. Row means are computed resulting in one value for each observation.

  5. The square root of each of these values is taken.

These values are Euclidean distances between the target observations and their nearest references as measured using specified variables. All the variables that are used must have observed and imputed values. Generally, this will be the X-variables and not the Y-variables.

When threshold is NULL, the function computes one using the quantile function with its default arguments and probs=1-p.


A named list of several items. In all cases vectors are named using the observation ids which are the row names of the data used to build the yaiobject.


The call.


The variables used (may be fewer than requested).


The threshold value.


A sorted named vector of references that exceed the threshold.


A sorted named vector of targets that exceed the threshold.


A sorted named vector of scaled RMSD references.


A sorted named vector of scaled RMSD targets.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

notablyDistant, plot.notablyDifferent, yai, grmsd




# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:3]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

# build an msn run, first build dummy variables for species.

sp1 <- as.integer(iris$Species=="setosa")
sp2 <- as.integer(iris$Species=="versicolor")
y2 <- data.frame(cbind(iris[,4],sp1,sp2),row.names=rownames(iris))
y2 <- y2[refs,]

names(y2) <- c("Petal.Width","Sp1","Sp2")

msn <- yai(x=x,y=y2,method="msn")


Find notably distant targets


Notably distant targets are those with relatively large distances from the closest reference observation. A suitable threshold is used to detect large distances.





an object of class yai.


the kth neighbor is used.


the thereshold distance that identifies notably large distances between observations.


(1-p)*100 is the percentile point in the distribution of distances used to compute the threshold (only used when threshold is NULL).


the method used to compute the threshold, see details.


When threshold is NULL, the function computes one using one of two methods. When method is "distribution", assumption is made that distances follow the lognormal distribution, unless the method used to find neighbors is randomForest, in which case the distances are assumed to follow the beta distribution. A specified p value is used to compute the threshold, which is the point in the distribution where a fraction, p, of the neighbors are larger than the threshold.

When method is "quantile", the function uses the quantile function with probs=1-p.


List of two data frames that contain 1) the references that are notably distant from other references, 2) the targets that are notably distant from the references, 3) the threshold used, and 4) the method used.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

notablyDifferent yai




# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:3]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

# build an msn run, first build dummy variables for species.

sp1 <- as.integer(iris$Species=="setosa")
sp2 <- as.integer(iris$Species=="versicolor")
y2 <- data.frame(cbind(iris[,4],sp1,sp2),row.names=rownames(iris))
y2 <- y2[refs,]

names(y2) <- c("Petal.Width","Sp1","Sp2")

msn <- yai(x=x,y=y2,method="msn")


Plots a compare.yai object


Provides a matrix of plots for objects created by compare.yai.


## S3 method for class 'compare.yai'



a data frame created by compare.yai.


the color used for the points.


the color of the 1:1 line.


passed to plot functions.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

See Also

yai, compare.yai, impute.yai, rmsd.yai

Plots the scaled root mean square differences between observed and predicted


Provides a descriptive plot of the Imputation Error Profile for object(s) created by notablyDifferent.


## S3 method for class 'notablyDifferent'


  1. an object create by notablyDifferent, or

  2. a (named) list of such objects.


set TRUE if you want to add this plot to an existing plot.


passed to plot functions.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

notablyDistant and yai





# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:3]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

mal <- notablyDifferent(yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis"),vars=colnames(x))
if (require(randomForest))
  rf  <- notablyDifferent(yai(x=x,y=y,method="randomForest"),vars=colnames(x))

Boxplot of mean Mahalanobis distances from varSelection()


Provides a descriptive plot of now the mean Mahalanobis distances change as variables are added or deleted using varSelection.


## S3 method for class 'varSel'



an object create by varSelection


becomes the plot title, if NULL one is generated


number of variables designated in the plot as the best; if null the number is computed by bestVars


if true, an arrow is added to the plot designating the best variables.


passed to boxplot functions


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

varSelection and yai




x <- iris[,1:2]  # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width 
y <- iris[,3:4]  # Petal.Length Petal.Width 

vsel <- varSelection(x=x,y=y,nboot=5,useParallel=FALSE)


Plot observed verses imputed data


Provides a matrix of plots of observed verses imputed values for variables in an object created by impute.yai, which are of class c("impute.yai","data.frame").


## S3 method for class 'yai'


  1. a data frame created by impute.yai, or

  2. an object created by yai.


a list of variable names you want to include, if NULL all available Y-variables are included.


a color vector for the xy plots (continuous variables).


a color 1:1 lines in xy plots.


a color vector for the spine plots (factors), one value per level.


plots in a residual format (observed-imputed over imputed).


passed to called functions.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]




# form some test data
x <- iris[,1:3]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length
y <- iris[refs,4:5]  # Petal.Width Species

mal <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis")

Generic predict function for class yai


Provides a generic interface for getting predicted values for yai objects.


## S3 method for class 'yai'



an object of class yai which is passed as argument to newtargets, impute.yai, or both of these functions, see details.


a data frame that at a minimum contains the X-variables for new observations.


passed to newtargets and impute.yai, see details.


When argument newdata is present function newtargets is called followed by a call to impute.yai. If include in the ..., the arguments k and ann are passed to newtargets.

When argument newdata is absent, impute.yai is called without first calling newtargets.

All of the ... arguments are passed to impute.yai.

Another form of prediction in imputation is to get the identity of the imputed observations. Use function foruse for this purpose.


An object of class impute.yai.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

foruse, newtargets impute.yai

Print a summary of a yai object


Provides a summary of a yai object, showing the call and essential data customized for each method used.


## S3 method for class 'yai'



an object of class yai.


not used


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

Root Mean Square Difference between observed and imputed


Computes the root mean square difference (RMSD) between observed and imputed values for each observation that has both. RMSD is computationally like RMSE, but they differ in interpretation. The RMSD values can be scaled to afford comparisons among variables.


rmsd.yai (object,vars=NULL,scale=FALSE,...)



an object created by yai or impute.yai


a list of variable names you want to include, if NULL all available variables are included


when TRUE, the values are scaled (see details), if a named vector, the values are scaled by the corresponding values.


passed to called methods, very useful for passing arugment ancillaryData to function impute.yai


By default, RMSD is computed using standard formula for its related statistic, RMSE. When scale=TRUE, or set of values is supplied, RMSD is divided by the scaling factor. The scaling factor is the standard deviation of the reference observations under the assumption that they are representative of the population.


A data frame with the row names as vars and the column as rmsd. When scale=TRUE, the column name is rmsdS. The scaling factors used, if any, are returned as an attribute.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

See Also

yai, impute.yai and doi:10.18637/jss.v023.i10.

Tally Lake, Flathead National Forest, Montana, USA


Polygon-based reference data used by Stage and Crookston (2007) to demonstrate partitioning of error components and related statistics. Observations are summaries of data collected on forest stands (ploygons).




A data frame with 847 rows and 29 columns:

Ground based measurements of trees (Y-variables):

  1. TopHt - Height of tallest trees (ft)

  2. LnVolL - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of western larch

  3. LnVolDF - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of Douglas-fir

  4. LnVolLP - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of lodgepole pine

  5. LnVolES - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of Engelmann spruce

  6. LnVolAF - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of alpine fir

  7. LnVolPP - Log of the volume (ft3/acre)(ft^3/acre) of ponderosa pine

  8. CCover - Canopy cover (percent)

Geographic Location, Slope, and Aspect (X-variables):

  1. utmx - UTM easting at plot center

  2. utmy - UTM northing at plot center

  3. elevm - Mean elevation (ft) above sea level over plot

  4. eevsqrd - (elevm1600)2(elevm-1600)^2

  5. slopem - Mean slope (percent) over plot

  6. slpcosaspm - Mean of slope (proportion) times the cosine of aspect (see Stage (1976) for description of this transformation

  7. slpsinaspm - Mean of slope (proportion) times the sine of aspect

Additional X-variables:

  1. ctim - Mean of slope curviture over pixels in stand

  2. tmb1m - Mean of LandSat band 1 over pixels in stand

  3. tmb2m - Mean of LandSat band 2 over pixels in stand

  4. tmb3m - Mean of LandSat band 3 over pixels in stand

  5. tmb4m - Mean of LandSat band 4 over pixels in stand

  6. tmb5m - Mean of LandSat band 5 over pixels in stand

  7. tmb6m - Mean of LandSat band 6 over pixels in stand

  8. durm - Mean of light duration over pixels in stand

  9. insom - Mean of solar insolation over pixels in stand

  10. msavim - Mean of AVI for pixels in stand

  11. ndvim - Mean of NDVI for pixels in stand

  12. crvm - Mean of slope curviture for pixels in stand

  13. tancrvm - Mean of tangent curvature for pixels in stand

  14. tancrvsd - Standard deviation of tangent curvature for pixels in stand


USDA Forest Service


Stage, A.R.; Crookston, N.L. 2007. Partitioning error components for accuracy-assessment of near neighbor methods of imputation. For. Sci. 53(1):62-72

Stage, A.R. (1976). An expression for the effect of aspect, slope, and habitat type on tree growth. For. Sci. 22(4):457-460.

Combines data from several sources


Takes any combination of several data frames or matrices and creates a new data frame. The rows are defined by a union of all row names in the arguments, and the columns are defined by a union of all column names in the arguments. The data are loaded into this new frame where column and row names match the individual inputs. Duplicates are tolerated with the last one specified being the one kept. NAs are returned for combinations of rows and columns where no data exist. Factors are processed as necessary.





a list of data frames, matrices, or any combination.


when TRUE, warn when a column name is found in more than one data source.


A data frame.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]




# note the levels
# [1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"

# [1] "1" "2" "3" "4"

#      x1 x2
# 1     a  1
# 2     b  2
# 3     c  3
# 4     d  4
# 5     1  5
# 6     2  6
# 7     3  7
# 8     4  8
# 9  <NA>  9
# 10 <NA> 10

# [1] "1" "2" "3" "4" "a" "b" "c" "d"

List variables in a yai object


Provides a character vector, or a list of character vectors of all the variables in a yai object, just the X-variables (xvars), or just the Y-variables (yvars).





an object created by yai.



A charactor vector of Y-variables.


A charactor vector of X-variables.


A list of both vectors.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

See Also


Select variables for imputation models


Computes grmsd (generalized root mean square distance) as variables are added to (method="addVars") or removed from (method="delVars") an k-NN imputation model. When adding variables the function keeps variables that strengthen imputation and deletes that weaken the imputation the least. The measure of model strength is grmsd between imputed and observed Y-variables among the reference observations.


  useParallel=if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") FALSE else TRUE,...)



a set of X-Variables as used in yai.


a set of Y-Variables as used in yai.


if addVars, the X-Varialbes are added and if delVars they are deleted (see details).


passed as method to yai.


passed as method to impute.yai.


passed as argument wts to grmsd which is used to score the alternative varialbe sets.


the number of bootstrap samples used at each variable selection step (see Details). When nboot is zero, NO bootstraping is done.


if TRUE information at each step is output.


function link{parallel:mclapply} from parallel will be used if it is available for running the bootstraps. It it is not available, link{lapply} is used (which is the only option on windows).


passed to link{yai}


This function tracks the effect on generalized root mean square distance (see grmsd) when variables are added or deleted one at a time. When adding variables, the function starts with none, and keeps the single variable that provides the smallest grmsd. When deleting variables, the functions starts with all X-Variables and deletes them one at a time such that those that remain provide the smallest grmsd. The function uses the following steps:

  1. Function yai is run for all the Y-variables and candidate X-variable(s). The result is passed to impute.yai to get imputed values of Y-variables. That result is passed to grmsd to compute a mean Mahalanobis distance for the case where the candidate variable is included (or deleted depending on method). However, these steps are done once for each bootstrap replication and the resulting values are averaged to provide an average mean Mahalanobis distance over the bootstraps.

  2. Step one is done for each candidate X-variable forming a vector of grmsd values, one corresponding to the case where each candidate is added or deleted.

  3. When variables are being added (method="addVars"), the variable that is related to the smallest grmsd is kept. When variables are being deleted (method="delVars"), the variable that is related to the largest grmsd is deleted.

  4. Once a variable has been added or deleted, the function proceeds to select another variable for selection or deletion by considering all remaining varialbes.


An list of class varSel with these tags:


the call


a 2-column matrix of the mean and std dev of the mean Mahalanobis distances associated with adding or removing the variables stored as the rownames. When nboot<2, the std dev are NA


a list of the grmsd values that correspond to each bootstrap replication. The data in grmsd are based on these vectors of information.


the value of argument method.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

yai, impute.yai, bestVars and grmsd




x <- iris[,1:2]  # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width 
y <- iris[,3:4]  # Petal.Length Petal.Width 

vsel <- varSelection(x=x,y=y,nboot=5,useParallel=FALSE)



Find maximum column for each row


For each row, the function identifies the column that has the maximum value. The function returns a data frame with two columns: the first is the column name corresponding to the column of maximum value and the second is the correspond maximum. The first column is convereted to a factor.

If the maximum is zero, the maximum column is identified as "zero".

If there are over nbig factors in column 1, the maximum values that are less than the largest are combined and identified as "other".

Intended use is to transform community ecology data for use in yai where method is randomForest.





a data frame or matrix of numeric values.


see description–the maximum number of factors, the remainder called 'other'.


A data frame.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]



# get the basal area by species columns
yba  <- MoscowMtStJoe[,1:17]

# for each row, pick the species that has the max basal area
# create "other" for those not in the top 7.

ybaB <- whatsMax(yba,nbig=7)

Find K nearest neighbors


Given a set of observations, yai

  1. separates the observations into reference and target observations,

  2. applies the specified method to project X-variables into a Euclidean space (not always, see argument method), and

  3. finds the k-nearest neighbors within the referenece observations and between the reference and target observations.

An alternative method using randomForest classification and regression trees is provided for steps 2 and 3. Target observations are those with values for X-variables and not for Y-variables, while reference observations are those with no missing values for X-and Y-variables (see Details for the exception).





1) a matrix or data frame containing the X-variables for all observations with row names are the identification for the observations, or 2) a one-sided formula defining the X-variables as a linear formula. If a formula is coded for x, one must be used for y as well, if needed.


1) a matrix or data frame containing the Y-variables for the reference observations, or 2) a one-sided formula defining the Y-variables as a linear formula.


when x and y are formulas, then data is a data frame or matrix that contains all the variables with row names are the identification for the observations. The observations are split by yai into two sets.


the number of nearest neighbors; default is 1.


when TRUE, skip finding neighbors for target observations.


when TRUE, skip finding neighbors for reference observations.


number of canonical vectors to use (methods msn and msn2), or number of independent of X-variables reference data when method mahalanobis. When NULL, the number is set by the function.


significant level for canonical vectors, used when method is msn or msn2.


is the strategy used for computing distance and therefore for finding neighbors; the options are quoted key words (see details):

  1. euclidean - distance is computed in a normalized X space.

  2. raw - like euclidean, except no normalization is done.

  3. mahalanobis - distance is computed in its namesakes space.

  4. ica - like mahalanobis, but based on Independent Component Analysis using package fastICA.

  5. msn - distance is computed in a projected canonical space.

  6. msn2 - like msn, but with variance weighting (canonical regression rather than correlation).

  7. msnPP - like msn, except that the canonical correlation is computed using projection pursuit from ccaPP (see argument ppControl).

  8. gnn - distance is computed using a projected ordination of Xs found using canonical correspondence analysis (cca from package vegan). If cca fails, rda is used and a warning is issued.

  9. randomForest - distance is one minus the proportion of randomForest trees where a target observation is in the same terminal node as a reference observation (see randomForest).

  10. random - like raw except that the X space is a single vector of uniform random [0,1] numbers generated using runif, results in random assignment of neighbors, and forces ann to be FALSE.

  11. gower - distance is computed in its namesakes space using function gower_topn from package gower; forces ann to be FALSE.


TRUE if ann is used to find neighbors, FALSE if a slow search is used.


the number of X-variables picked at random when method is randomForest, see randomForest, default is sqrt(number of X-variables).


the number of classification and regression trees when method is randomForest. When more than one Y-variable is used, the trees are divided among the variables. Alternatively, ntree can be a vector of values corresponding to each Y-variable.


when buildClasses and method is randomForest, continuous variables are internally converted to classes forcing randomForest to build classification trees for the variable. Otherwise, regression trees are built if your version of randomForest is newer than 4.5-18.


if TRUE, the reference observations are sampled with replacement.


used to control how canoncial correlation analysis via projection pursuit is done, see Details.


the X- and/or Y-variables will be sampled (without replacement) if this is not NULL and greater than zero. If specified as a single unnamed value, that value is used to control the sample size of both X and Y variables. If two unnamed values, then the first is taken for X-variables and the second for Y-variables. If zero, no sampling is done. Otherwise, values are less than 1.0 they are taken as the proportion of the number of variables. Values greater or equal to 1 are number of variables to be included in the sample. Specification of a large number will cause the sequence of variables to be randomized.


a named list of character vectors where there is one vector for each Y-variable, see details, only applies when method="randomForest"


Boolean when TRUE keep OOB in randomForest models, default FALSE. This is useful for calculating out-of-bag evaluation statistics for the models method="randomForest"


See the paper at doi:10.18637/jss.v023.i10 (it includes examples).

The following information is in addition to the content in the papers.

You need not have any Y-variables to run yai for the following methods: euclidean, raw, mahalanobis, ica, random, and randomForest (in which case unsupervised classification is performed). However, normally yai classifies reference observations as those with no missing values for X- and Y- variables and target observations are those with values for X- variables and missing data for Y-variables. When Y is NULL (there are no Y-variables), all the observations are considered references. See newtargets for an example of how to use yai in this situation.

When bootstrap=TRUE the reference observations are sampled with replacement. The sample size is set to the number of reference observations. Normally, about a third of the reference observations are left out of the sample; they are often called out-of-bag samples. The out-of-bag observations are then treated as targets.

When method="msnPP" projection pursuit from ccaPP is used. The method is further controlled using argument ppControl to specify a character vector that has has two named components.

  1. method - One of the following "spearman", "kendall", "quadrant", "M", "pearson", default is "spearman"

  2. searc - If "data" or "proj", then ccaProj is used, otherwise the default ccaGrid is used.

Here are some details on argument rfXsubsets. When method="randomForest" one call to randomForest is generated for for each Y-variable. When argument rfXsubsets is left NULL, all the X-variables are used for each of the Y-variables. However, sometimes better results can be achieved by using specific subsets of X-variables for each Y-variable. This is done by setting rfXsubsets equal to a named list of character vectors. The names correspond to the Y-variable names and the character vectors hold the list of X-variables for the corresponding Y-variable.


An object of class yai, which is a list with the following tags:


the call.

yRefs, xRefs

matrices of the X- and Y-variables for just the reference observations (unscaled). The scale factors are attached as attributes.


a list of the row names for observations dropped for various reasons (missing data).


a list of the row names for target observations as a subset of all observations.


the X-variables for all observations.


returned from cancor function when method msn or msn2 is used (NULL otherwise).


an object of class cca (from package vegan) when method gnn is used.


a list containing partial F statistics and a vector of Pr>F (pgf) corresponding to the canonical correlation coefficients when method msn or msn2 is used (NULL otherwise).

yScale, xScale

scale data used on yRefs and xRefs as needed.


the value of k.


as input; only used when method msn, msn2 or msnPP is used.


NULL when not used. For methods msn, msn2, msnPP, gnn and mahalanobis, this is a matrix that projects normalized X-variables into a space suitable for doing Eculidian distances.


number of canonical vectors used (methods msn and msn2), or number of independent X-variables in the reference data when method mahalanobis is used.


as input, the method used.


a list of the forests if method randomForest is used. There is one forest for each Y-variable, or just one forest when there are no Y-variables.


a list of information from fastICA when method ica is used.


the value of ann, TRUE when ann is used, FALSE otherwise.


NULL if no factors are used as predictors; otherwise a list of predictors that have factors and their levels (see lm).


a matrix of distances between a target (identified by its row name) and the k references. There are k columns.


a matrix of reference identifications that correspond to neiDstTrgs.

neiDstRefs, neiIdsRefs

counterparts for references.


a vector of reference rownames that constitute the bootstrap sample; or the value FALSE when bootstrap is not used.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
John Coulston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

See Also

grmsd ensembleImpute


require (yaImpute)


# set the random number seed so that example results are consistent
# normally, leave out this command

# form some test data, y's are defined only for reference
# observations.
x <- iris[,1:2]      # Sepal.Length Sepal.Width
y <- iris[refs,3:4]  # Petal.Length Petal.Width

# build yai objects using 2 methods
msn <- yai(x=x,y=y)
mal <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="mahalanobis")
# compare these results using the generalized mean distances. mal wins!

# use projection pursuit and specify ppControl (loads package ccaPP)
if (require(ccaPP)) 
  msnPP <- yai(x=x,y=y,method="msnPP",ppControl=c(method="kendall",search="proj"))



# convert polar slope and aspect measurements to cartesian
# (which is the same as Stage's (1976) transformation).

polar <- MoscowMtStJoe[,40:41]
polar[,1] <- polar[,1]*.01      # slope proportion
polar[,2] <- polar[,2]*(pi/180) # aspect radians
cartesian <- t(apply(polar,1,function (x)
               {return (c(x[1]*cos(x[2]),x[1]*sin(x[2]))) }))
colnames(cartesian) <- c("xSlAsp","ySlAsp")
x <- cbind(MoscowMtStJoe[,37:39],cartesian,MoscowMtStJoe[,42:64])
y <- MoscowMtStJoe[,1:35]

msn <- yai(x=x, y=y, method="msn", k=1)
mal <- yai(x=x, y=y, method="mahalanobis", k=1)
# the results can be plotted.

# compare these results using the generalized mean distances..

# try method="gower"
if (require(gower))
  gow <- yai(x=x, y=y, method="gower", k=1)
  # compare these results using the generalized mean distances..

# try method="randomForest"
if (require(randomForest))
  # reduce the plant community data for randomForest.
  yba  <- MoscowMtStJoe[,1:17]
  ybaB <- whatsMax(yba,nbig=7)  # see help on whatsMax
  rf <- yai(x=x, y=ybaB, method="randomForest", k=1)
  # build the imputations for the original y's
  rforig <- impute(rf,ancillaryData=y)
  # compare the results using individual rmsd's
  # build another randomForest case forcing regression
  # to be used for continuous variables. The answers differ
  # but one is not clearly better than the other.
  rf2 <- yai(x=x, y=ybaB, method="randomForest", rfMode="regression")
  rforig2 <- impute(rf2,ancillaryData=y)

Build Summary Data For Method RandomForest


When method randomforest is used to build a yai object, the randomForest package computes several statistics. This function summarizes some of them, including the variable importance scores computed by function yaiVarImp.


yaiRFsummary(object, nTop=0)



an object of class yai.


the nTop most important variables are plotted (returned).


A list containing:


a data frame reporting the error rates and other data from the randomForest(s).


the data frame computed by yaiVarImp.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]
Andrew O. Finley [email protected]

See Also

yai, yaiVarImp

Reports or plots importance scores for yai method randomForest


When method randomforest is used to build a yai object, the randomForest package computes variable importance scores. This function computes a composite of the scores and scales them using scale. By default the scores are plotted and scores themselves are invisibly returned. For classification, the scores are derived from "MeanDecreaseAccuracy" and for regression they are based in " using importance.


yaiVarImp(object, nTop=20, plot=TRUE, ...)



an object of class yai


the nTop most important variables are plotted (returned); if NA or zero, all are returned


if FALSE, no plotting is done, but the scores are returned.


passed to the boxplot function.


A data frame with the rows corresponding to the randomForest built for each Y-variable and the columns corresponding to the nTop most important Y-variables in sorted order.


Nicholas L. Crookston [email protected]

See Also

yai, yaiRFsummary, compare.yai


if (require(randomForest))

  # get the basal area by species columns
  yba  <- MoscowMtStJoe[,1:17]
  ybaB <- whatsMax(yba,nbig=7)  # see help on whatsMax
  ba <- cbind(ybaB,TotalBA=MoscowMtStJoe[,18])
  x <- MoscowMtStJoe[,37:64]
  x <- x[,-(4:5)]
  rf <- yai(x=x,y=ba,method="randomForest")
  newx <- x[,keep]
  rf2 <- yai(x=newx,y=ba,method="randomForest")