1. GeNetIt::dps
    dps genetic distance matrix for Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris)
    matrix|29 x 29
  2. GeNetIt::ralu.model
    Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) data for specifying gravity model. Note, the data.frame is already log transformed.
  3. GeNetIt::ralu.site
    Subset of site-level spatial point data for Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris)
  4. spatialEco::ants
    Ant Biodiversity Data
  5. spatialEco::chen
    Cross-correlation data from Chen (2015)
  6. spatialEco::cor.data
    Various correlation structures
  7. spatialEco::pu
    Biodiversity Planning Units
  8. yaImpute::MoscowMtStJoe
    Moscow Mountain and St. Joe Woodlands (Idaho, USA) Tree and LiDAR Data
  9. yaImpute::TallyLake
    Tally Lake, Flathead National Forest, Montana, USA